What is hall of fame?

To get on the Hall of Fame list, purchase one or more rare special discs from Discgolf corner`s Hall of Fame wall.
(The discs on the Hall of Fame are for sale on this page directly below)


1. Buy one or more discs from the Hall of Fame wall.

2. Your position on the list is determined by how much you spend on Hall of Fame wall discs (a single disc can cost between €25 - €400).

3. The list lasts for one month. At the end of the month, the top 5 on the list will be rewarded with great prizes!


- #1 = €100 gift card

- #2 = €50 gift card

- #3 = €30 gift card

- #4 = €20 gift card

- #5 = €10 gift card

You can potentially reach the top 5 by purchasing the cheapest disc(s) on the wall. For example, if you buy a €28 disc, you could even reach the #1 spot and win a €100 gift card. This way, you can earn free money, free discs, and bags!

You can buy as many discs from the Hall of Fame as you want. The total amount spent will be calculated and determine your position on the list.

Hall of fame discs
